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Conflict handling




Conflicts are many things and may occur at many levels. It can be minor matters, e.g. a certain degree of tensions and dissatisfaction between two or more parties or it can be at the opposite end of the scale, where cooperation has broken down and emotions have taken over. It can be conflicts between manager and employee, between colleagues, between line organisation and project organisation or it can be between departments or a company and a customer or partner.

"How can the conflict be solved and how can it be used for creating a positive development?"

We offer:

  • Mediation.

  • Consultancy of managers who are in the middle of a conflict.

  • Training of managers in how to handle conflicts with employees.

Examples of tasks:

  • Mediation between two employees in an NGO (non-governmental organisation). A number of discussions are carried out with both parties and written agreements are made.

  • Interviews and analyses of the poor climate among the teachers of a school. A memorandum about themes and history is written and a number of recommendations are pointed out to the governing body of the school in order to break the pattern.

  • 2 days’ training of managers from the Municipal of Herning and Odense University Hospital in management and how to handle staff conflicts.






Business psychologist Ejnar Bryld   ●   Vejlsøvej 51, Bygning A   ●   8600 Silkeborg   ●   +45 86 84 42 00   ●