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Lectures and workshops




Lectures, training in conflict handling, change management, handling and understanding of resistance, mental work environment, stress handling and similar topics which belong to the psychological world at the workplace.
These lectures and workshops are aimed at managers, HR people, work and organisational psychologists and other professionals who work with development work in organisations. Such workshops are offered regularly or on demand.
Furthermore, we offer workshops for managers and employees in the same organisation, where the theme of the workshop varies, depending on the concrete need of the department or group in question.
A workshop is characterised by being very focused and interactive where the participants work in three different learning environments:

  • A knowledge room where relevant theory and models are presented.

  • A practice room where concrete tools and work methods are described and trained.

  • A reflection room where there is time to reflect and exchange experiences and where the subject matter and the participants’ experience and daily work are linked.


Examples of workshops:

  Workshop 1: Changes and resistance          Workshop 2: Handling of conflicts

   Workshop 3: Coaching of managers            Workshop 4: Job satisfaction and stress at work






Business psychologist Ejnar Bryld   ●   Vejlsøvej 51, Bygning A   ●   8600 Silkeborg   ●   Tlf. +45 86 84 42 00   ●   mail