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Company Profile










Job satisfaction at work



08.30–08.45 Welcome
=Presentation of the day’s objective, programme and work form

08.45–11.00 Mental working environment
= Introduction to the theme of the day: What is understood by mental working environment?
= Which are the mental challenges at a modern knowledge workplace?
= What creates job satisfaction at work? What does research tell us? What is your opinion?
= What is stress and how does stress manifest itself?
= What is the importance of the tone at the workplace – and what is the pitfall?
= What happens to people when changes take place at work and how can we help each other?

11.15–12.00 How is the mental working environment in your department?
= What are the good qualities in your department which should be upheld?
= What in particular is a burden – and what can we do about it?
= Preparation of concrete action plans for selected problem areas

12.00–12.45 Lunch

12.45–14.15 How is the mental working environment in your department? (Continued)

14.30–15.45 What are the special challenges for you?

=Which elements and conditions create good as well as bad days at work for you?

   Interview and  exchange of experiences.
= Preparation of individual action plan with ”buddy”

15.30–16.00 Conclusion and putting into perspective



Business psychologist Ejnar Bryld   ●   Vejlsøvej 51, Bygning A   ●   8600 Silkeborg   ●   Tlf. +45 86 84 42 00   ●   mail